Well, there it is!
I seem to have exhausted what I wanted to write down, at least for the time being.
You will have noticed that themes and even phrases recur - that is the nature of inner conversations, such as transcribed here. If I repeat myself, then, as the old Yiddish joke goes, I repeat myself.
This transcription comes to you as a gift, as the words came to me. You may discard it, keep it, copy it, pass it on.
However, in return, I ask two favors:
Just as I feel that no UU program is complete without a congregational response, I would like very much to hear from you about anything here included or omitted. I don't promise to reply, but I will enjoy your comments. [black.jonathan1@gmail.com]
Also, I would pleased if you would make a gift, of cash or of kind or of timely attention, to some other person or, perhaps, to a group, such as your congregation or The Mountain. If you are moved to do so, please let me know what and to whom, and, perhaps, why?
There is far too much what in the world today and not enough why.